Friday, April 23, 2010

Obese children are more prone to leg, ankle, and foot injury.

A new pediatric study reveals that obese children are more prone to leg, ankle, and foot injury than other children their age. Dr. Wendy J. Pomerantz of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Ohio and several of her colleagues studied the patient records from the emergency room in their hospital from January 2005 to March 2008. They noticed some very interesting trends. About 30% of obese children in their study had suffered from lower extremity injuries verses the 18% of normal weight children. On the other side of the spectrum the study showed that 15% of the normal weight children suffered from head injuries compared to 10% of the obese children. The study showed that over weight children often had a longer recovery time than other children. They also found that ankle sprains where twice as common among obese children as other children their age. Although the researchers didn’t have the information explaining how these children became injured the group hypothesized that obese children are more vulnerable during walking or running while normal weight children have an easier time playing sports that carry the risk of head injury.

Of course parents want to protect their children so these numbers might scare some parents into not letting their children be active. But this is not what the study was meant to do. We want children to be active but we want them to be safe about it. Obese children (just like adults) should ease into exercise and sports instead of jumping right in.

Pomerantz’s steps following this study are to figure out why these numbers are slated this way and try to find some protective measures to help keep children safe.

5 warning signs of foot problems in children

Foot pain in children is not something to be taken lightly or ignore. Sometimes it is hard for children to tell their parents when they are having foot troubles. Perhaps the child was born with a foot abnormality so their gait, though abnormal, seems normal to them. Or, a child may feel embarrassed about how their feet appear so they don’t want to bring it up. So, it is very important for parents to keep an eye on children's feet to keep them just as healthy as the rest of their body. Remember these feet have lots of miles ahead of them!!

Here are five things to look out for that might indicate your child is having foot pain or problems.

1. If your child is having trouble keeping up with other children~ If your child frequently lags behind other children in sports or other physical activities this could be due to flat feet causing the leg muscles to tire more easily. The muscles and feet become tired easier because the feet are not functioning as efficiently as they could be.

2. If your child suddenly stops wanting to participate in activities they enjoy~ If your child is suddenly not participating in their favorite activities this could be due to heel pain that is common in children ages 8-14. Heel pain can be caused by repetitive stress that occurs while playing sports. Too much strain can lead to pain and inflammation in the growth plate at the back of your child’s heel.

3. If your child is reluctant to show you their feet~ If a child notices a change in their feet they might be embarrassed or nervous that the change could lead to a trip to the doctors office. Start making it a habit early to check your children's feet for discoloration of the skin or nails, growths, calluses, redness, swelling or ingrown nails. Seek podiatric help for any of these signs of a problem.

4. If your child trips or falls often~ Although children are often clumsy while they are getting used to their body, repeated clumsiness can be a sign of in-toeing, balance problems or neuromuscular conditions.

5. If your child tells you they have foot pain~ Sometimes we get lucky and our children will tell us that their feet hurt. If this happens be thankful and take them to see a podiatrist right away. It is never normal for children to have foot pain and since they are growing all the time foot pain should not go overlooked. If injuries cause pain or swelling for more than a few days see a podiatrist asap.

Even if no symptoms are present and your children don’t complain of foot pain it is a good idea to get a yearly check up to make sure that the feet are growing properly.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Let's Go Fly A Kite

What a beautiful weekend for the 12th Annual Blue Ridge Kite Festival! The sky at Green Hill Park in Salem was filled with kites of all sizes and colors. And while I spent most of my time looking up at the sky, it is inevitable that I will look down at what people are wearing on their feet. With the warm weather that day, many were sporting flip-flops. I want to tell those people - BEWARE :) Sprained ankles, heel pain and blisters are just a few of the problems I see in my office as a result of wearing flip-flops. To learn more about better summer foot wear choices - watch my interview with Jean Jadhon.

Dedicated To Your Healthy Feet,

Dr. Jennifer Feeny

For more information visit our website

A Hiking We Will Go

I saw my first through hikers off the AT last weekend at Kroger-Daleville while doing my weekly grocery shopping. It got me thinking about all of the people that have limped into my office off the trail over the years.

Walking up and down steep hillsides and tramping through wet, slippery fields and wooded areas puts stress on the muscles and tendons in the feet and ankles, especially if you haven't conditioned properly before hitting the trail. Also, many don't realize that sneakers aren't the best choice for extended hiking and hunting. Had some of my patients worn sturdy, well-constructed hiking boots, they wouldn't have suffered sprained ankles or strained Achilles tendons.

Make the investment in top-quality hiking boots. Strong, well insulated and moisture-proof boots with steel or graphite shanks offer excellent ankle and foot support that helps lessen stress and muscle fatigue to reduce injury risk. The supportive shank decreases strain on the arch by allowing the boot to distribute impact as the foot moves forward. So if a boot bends in the middle, don't buy it.

In wet and cold weather, wearing the right socks can help prevent blisters, fungal infections. Synthetic socks should be the first layer to keep the feet dry and reduce blister-causing friction. For the second layer, wool socks add warmth, absorb moisture away from the skin, and help make the hiking boot more comfortable.

Don't ignore pain and hope that it will go away. If you are out on the trail, try and take a break to see if the pain subsides. As soon as you are able, make a visit to your podiatrist to determine the cause of your pain. Remember, pain is your body letting you know there is something wrong.

Dedicated To Your Health Feet,

Dr. Jennifer Feeny

For more information visit our website

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nail Disorders & Nail Surgery

Nails are excellent indicators of disease and provide diagnostic information.

Patients should look for some of the following nail presentations:
  • Discoloration
  • Brittleness
  • Uplifting nail
  • Pitting nail
  • Splitting
  • Striations
  • Nail thinning
  • Ridging
  • Change in nail consistency
  • Change in nail configuration
  • Nail clubbing

Common Nail Problems:

Ingrown nails- Result from an alteration in the proper fit of the nail plate in the usual nail groove. Sharp edges of the lateral nail margin become driven into the skin of the nail groove. The nail essentially becomes a foreign body. An inflammatory response occurs in the involved nail groove. This can lead to redness, swelling, drainage, and development of granulation tissue.

- Fungal infections are common, usually caused by dermatophytes.
Common causes: T. rubrum, T. mentogrophytes, and E. Floccosum.
Onychomycosis can be diagnosed by a fungal culture

Anonychia- Is the complete absence of the nail. This condition is a rare congenital anomaly.

Paronychia- Is an infection usually accompanying ingrown nails.

Beau's Lines- Transverse ridges in the nail plate.

Clubbed Digits- marked convexity of nails, with the nail becoming hard, and thick.

Eczematous Conditions- Many types of eczematous dermatitis such as atopic and contact dermatitis can affect the nail folds.

Glomus Tumor
- A purplish tumor that causes pain. The nail bed will appear as a blue-red distortion.

Green Nails- Usually caused by a local Pseudomonas infection

Koilonychia- This describes a spoon shaped nail and describes a characteristic deformity in the form of a concave shape.

This is the thickened, elongated, raised irregular nail.
Can be caused by trauma, fungal infection, and nutritional disturbances

- Is an exaggeration of onychauctic condition.

Refers to softness of the nails.

Onycholysis- Detachment of the nail bed from the overlying plate creates a space between nail plate and nail bed.

Splinter Hemorrhages- These are caused by capillary fragility in the longitudinal vessels of the nail bed.

Nail Anatomy

The matrix- is a stratified epithelium that produces hard keratin. The proximal matrix forms the superior nail and the distal matrix forms the lower nail.

Hyponychium- is an epithelial layer of the nail bed

Nail plate- can be separated into zones with predominantly different beginnings. The uppermost layer is generated by the proximal nail fold, the plate by the matrix, and the deepest section of the nail plate is contributed to by the nail folds and bed.

Lunula- is a white semi-lunar area corresponding to the anterior matrix.

Nail bed -consists of the hyponychium and corium over the matrix.

Surgical Nail Procedures:

Nail problems that dictate surgical intervention can include:
Abscess/ Paranychia

Persistent pain

Persistent ingrown nails

Some cases of fungal nails


Phenol and Alcohol Chemical Matrixectomy:

After the toe has been anesthetized, a portion or the whole nail is removed after a sterile preparation of the toe. Next 3 applications of phenol are used at the level of the matrix. The phenol is used to destroy the tissues of the matrix which will prevent further growth of the nail. The area is then flushed with alcohol and a dressing with antibiotic ointment is applied. The patient is given post operative soaking and dressing instructions.

Sodium Hydroxide Matrixectomy

Is a process similar to the phenol and alcohol chemical matrixectomy but uses sodium hydroxide and acetic acid to neutralize. The same criteria apply as for Phenol-Alcohol procedure.