Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is a bunion?

A bunion is an abnormal bump that forms on the side of the big toe joint. With a bunion, it is common for the big toe to drift towards the second toe. This can cause the bump to enlarge over time and become painful with certain shoe gear.
Causes of bunions can be genetic or having a certain foot type such as flat feet or a pronated foot which make a person prone to developing bunions. Although tight shoe gear does not cause a bunion , they can make the condition worse and cause more pain. Pain and redness on the side of the foot are common symptoms of a bunion.
A bunion can be diagnosed by a podiatrist by taking x-rays to determine the extent of the bone malalignment. The extent of the deformity can determine the type of treatment option recommended. Wider shoe gear, cortisone injections, and orthotics are treatments that can be used in the early stages of a bunion.
Sometimes a surgery might be needed for a more severe and painful bunion. The podiatrist can evaluate the condition and determine the appropriate surgery for the patient based on their age, activity level, and amount of bone and soft tissue correction needed.
If you've been dealing with a painful bump on the side of your foot that is affecting your day to day life, visit your podiatrist to see which options would suit you best.

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